The Invitation《生活的邀请函》

23 年 3 月 4 日 星期六
333 字
2 分钟

来源:Oriah Mountain Dreamer(节选)

I want to knowif you can sit with painmine or your ownwithout moving to hide itor fade itor fix it.

🀄 我想知道,你能否真正与伤痛共处——与我的或者你自己的,而不是去掩饰它、淡忘它,或过于在意它。

I want to knowif you can be with joymine or your ownif you can dance with wildnessand let the ecstasy fill youto the tips of your fingers and toeswithout cautioning usto be carefulto be realisticto remember the limitationsof being human.

🀄 我想知道,你能否真正去享受快乐——与我的或者你自己的,翩翩起舞,无拘无束,让激情从指尖到脚趾充满你的身体,这一刻,忘记谨小慎微,忘记现实残酷,忘记生命极限的束缚。

I want to knowif you can live with failureyours and mineand still stand at the edge of the lakeand shout to the silver of the full moon,"Yes."

🀄 我想知道,你能否坦然面对失败——你的或者我的,即使失败,也能站在湖边,对着银色的圆月高喊:“我可以。”

I want to knowif you can be alonewith yourselfand if you truly likethe company you keepin the empty moments.

🀄 我不在乎你认识何人,为何在此。我只想知道,生命之火熊熊燃烧时,你是否敢和我一起,站在火焰中央,毫不畏缩。

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文章标题:The Invitation《生活的邀请函》




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